How we help to prevent covid19 in massage

How we protect you and therapists from Covid-19

Here at Relaxing Asian massage London, we value your healthy and safety.  In order to protect you from Covid-19 we have reviewed our standard disease-control processes and have revisited and enhanced these practices and protocols.


What steps are Relaxing Asian massage parlour taking to prevent the spread of the Flu and COVID-19 to customers?

These are just some of the steps that we are taking:

  1. Requiring all staff members to pass a Covid-19 Prevention course and performing a practical assessment to ensure they follow the strict guidelines we enforce, including proper handwashing.
  2. Thoroughly wiping down all service rooms and tools with professional disinfectants and cleaning supplies.
  3. Cleaning and disinfecting all washrooms, massage rooms and common areas every hour at a minimum.
  4. Massage therapists wearing gloves during services upon clients request.
  5. All materials continue to be single service use only.
  6. Employee health checks including temperature readings everyday before start to work.
  7. Mandatory masks for all employees.

What precautions should customers take?

  1. We will be pre-screening all clients prior to their appointment to ensure that they are not exhibiting any symptoms.
  2. We request the cooperation of our entire community in maintaining a safe spa environment so we urge anyone that has mild cold or flu-like symptoms to follow the advice of health officials and stay home while sick to help protect others.
  3. Should you need to cancel your appointment, please contact us immediately.

We appreciate your concern and cooperation and Relaxing Asian Massage will continue to monitor the situation and take additional measures if or when they become necessary to ensure the safety of our customers and our massage threapists.